December 2024
Sky-Frame Winter Story

It was Winston Churchill who said in 1943 that “we shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us”. The impact of architecture on our lives is extremely significant. Be it the place we live, our workplace, or how productive we are, etc. Architecture plays a significant role in everything. To live in a house thoroughly thought and designed by an architect can be life changing.
The CPH House (abbreviation of Copenhagen), designed by SPOL Architects, is situated in a scenic area near lakes and forests. The project aimed to retain the site’s distinctive landscape while providing a framework for people to live independently yet together. From the street the plot seems ordinary. The “magic” is on the other side of the house towards where old trees, Lake, animal life (dears, foxes), hilly area gives an aha-experience. Along the years, the house has been used as location for movies, commercial films, Music Videos, and lifestyle Magazines.
Architecture is a collaborative process. In the CPH House project, the clients were at the core of the entire process since the conceptual phase. The project started out with an intense design process with eight designs options based upon the clients’ functional demands. Later, it was narrowed down to one, where the big windows facing south and opening up for nature the moment you enter the front door, was the decisive factor. The result was a project that revealed to be more than an ordinary home. Currently, the clients live and run their businesses in and from the house. It is quite a unique project, since family and business co-exist in the same building. Design, function and economic in perfect harmony.
For the dwellers, living in such project is a gift. It is very special to live in a house where you have the opportunity to build a “one of a kind” house, know the story behind all details, creating memories and meeting so much talent in the process. It’s the dweller expectation that the CPH House can inspire people to hire architects to design their homes to avoid “standard-buildings”.